Category Archives: Depression

People-Pleasing Moms: At Risk

Sad new mom holding baby - people-pleasing momsOne of the common themes I come across when working with mothers experiencing depression and anxiety is perfectionism and people-pleasing. Moms get worn out when they are trying to make everyone happy all the time.

There are often good reasons for a tendency to be over-responsible for the feelings of others. Many of us come from families where there was an unspoken expectation that a child must be “good,” because one or both parents were unable to tolerate the challenge of even normal childhood misbehavior. Or sometimes, children develop an unconscious habit of caretaking for others as a way to get their own needs met.

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Take a test to see if you have Prenatal or Postpartum Depression

Does Your Personality Style Put You at Risk for Postpartum Depression?

mother baby

By Meri Levy, MA, MFT

What are the risk factors for Postpartum Depression and anxiety? Can your personality contribute to your risk? Check out this article of mine, published on

Take a test to see if you have Prenatal or Postpartum Depression

Postpartum Depression and Perfectionism

canstockphoto10868712I recently had an article published on about how your personality style can put you at risk for Postpartum Depression. Check it out on

Take a test to see if you have Prenatal or Postpartum Depression